
Legal Disclaimer

This website, whose DNS is, is property of the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), whose tax identification is Q5856253I, having its headquarters at:

The website:

  1. Provides information on the eiNa DMP: what is the service for, collaborations, contact, etc.
  2. Allows online searching and consulting of the DMPs
  3. Facilitates the link to the specific websites of the participating universities and research centers.
  4. Available in English (soon in Catalan).

Your personal details and consent notice

In order to help identify and administer your account with RDMP, we need to store your name and email address. We may also use it to contact you to obtain feedback on your use of the tool, or to inform you of the latest developments or releases. The information may be transferred between the CSUC and the institutions but only for the following legitimate DCC and CDL purposes: marketing, improving our services and informing you of relevant content and events. We will not sell, rent, or trade any personal information you provide to us. By using this system, you consent to the collection, retention, and use of your personal information in accordance with the above. You have the right to ask us not to process your personal details for marketing purposes.

Freedom of Information

All contents, including text, images and any other material, are property of the authors or their institutions, or of someone else who have authorized their use to them. CSUC hold your plans on your behalf, but they are your property and responsibility. CSUC will not be responsible for the information that can be obtained through external links. Any FOIA applicants will be referred back to your home organisation.


Your password is stored in encrypted form and cannot be retrieved. If forgotten it has to be reset.

Privacy policy

The information you enter into this system can be seen by you, people you have chosen to share access with, and - solely for the purposes of maintaining the service - system administrators at CSUC. We compile anonymized, automated, and aggregated information from plans, but we will not directly access, make use of, or share your content with anyone else without your permission. Authorized officers of your home organisation may access your plans for specific purposes - for example, to track compliance with funder/organisational requirements, to calculate storage requirements, or to assess demand for data management services across disciplines.

CSUC guarantees the confidential treatment of personal data requested through this form, as well as the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that personal data are kept securely in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation. Personal data collected through this form will be incorporated into the file "ContacteAtencio_usuari.xlsx", of CSUC's responsibility, and settled in Gran Capità 2, Barcelona. The purpose of collecting these data is to be able to respond the requests that arrive through this form. CSUC will resolve on the request for access, rectification, cancellation and opposition within a maximum of one month from the reception of the request. In the event that CSUC does not have the applicant's information, the requestor will be notified within the same period.

Data controller

Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC)
Gran Capità, 2 (Nexus Building) • E-08034 Barcelona
T +34 93 205 6464

Contact details of the data protection delegate

Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC)
Gran Capità, 2 (Nexus Building) • E-08034 Barcelona
T +34 93 205 6464

Purpose of the treatment

Collect data to support the management of the Research data management tool.




Data will not be communicated to third parties.

Rights of people

You can access your data, rectify or delete them, oppose the treatment and request the limitation, sending your request through  CSUC's website .

Term of data conservation

As long as the validity of the communication is maintained.


You can file a complaint through  CSUC’s website .